The ACMA's Efforts on Behalf of Your Bottom Line
Aug 18, 2022 | 55 min | Webinar 22

For 15 years, the ACMA has been the e-commerce/catalog/direct industry's "little engine that does." Historically under-financed and under-supported, the ACMA has nevertheless accomplished numerous "wins" for this crucial industry. ACMA's President & Executive Director Hamilton Davison will detail what this vital organization has been working on of late, what its goals are for the membership, and why it's so important that you and/or your clients support it. Among others matters.
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Hamilton Davison is the President & Executive Director of the American Catalog Mailers Association (ACMA), a group he co-founded in 2007 when postage increased for catalog mailers. Since then, Davison’s actions with ACMA have led to far more moderate postage for catalogs. He works closely with the U.S. Postal Service and Postal Regulatory Commission to educate and inform officials about the catalog business model, incentives for greater mail volume, and the role of catalogs in shaping consumer perceptions of mail.